Who We Are

Hutchinson County Crisis Center
P.O. Box 182
301 W. Sixth Street, Suite 304
Borger, TX 79008
(806) 274-9525
(806) 273-2313 - Hotline

What We Do

HC3 is a community based non-profit agency committed to ending the cycle of domestic violence and sexual assault by providing safe residence for victims and their children, legal advocacy, interactive listening, skills training, counseling referrals, 24 hour hotline coverage as well as education and outreach.

Office open from 9:00 to 5:00 weekdays
Shelter and Hotline open 24/7 - 365 days a year (806) 273-2313


How We Have Helped

A victim of sexual assault and domestic violence called HC3 to request help for herself and her 2-year-old son who had been taken by the father to another state against their court orders. Hc3 was able to provide her with legal assistance to get emergency injunction for her to regain custody of the child. A court date has been set to reconfigure the custody arrangements to include supervised visitation to restrict the father's access and ability to leave the county with the child. This client has expressed her gratitude and feelings of safety on numerous occasions to her advocate and without HC3's help, she would not have been able to retrieve her child from the violent abuser.