


Hutchinson County United Way (HCUW) believes that the best way to help cycle people out of poverty is through Education.  Therefore the best investment of the dollars given to HCUW is in assuring that everyone in our county has the opportunity for an Education.  It is the school's responsibility to provide an education.  It is the community's responsibility to help meet the needs that might be preventing someone from receiving their education. HCUW is beginning to fund programs through our partner agencies and our partnering schools that help meet these needs.  


From the desk of Matt Ammerman, Borger High School Principal

The importance of education cannot be

overstated or overemphasized. 

A simple search of the internet reveals how a multitude of notable people from across the globe feel or felt about the importance of education in the lives of children.  Nelson Mandela said,

Education is the most important
weapon which you can use
to change the world.

This quote defines so much of why the Hutchinson County United Way is choosing to fund dual-credit students in Hutchinson County.  When local educators talk about the difference that dual-credit classes make in the lives of our local high school students, touching stories are related about how the gift of education gives these students a sense of hope and purpose.  The rate of poverty in our local area among high school students is at or above 50%.  These students cannot afford even the discounted rates of dual credit classes at Frank Phillips College.  Through scholarships provided by the United Way and their supporters, these students can achieve a dream that would not be possible otherwise.